1.With major backing and a first tier partner, the question is whether Knewton can mobilize quickly enough to meet demand.
2.During these peaks, the dirtiest power stations are fired up to help meet demand and electricity becomes more expensive to produce.
3.However, the capacity of industry is often unable to meet demand and hence there is a general shortage of consumer goods.
4.The rules were designed to avoid overproduction but Brussels is now worried that there will not be enough cereals to meet demand.
5.More recently, UK banks have muscled in to meet demand from clients while more US and European banks are hosting courses in London.
6.Many consumer goods companies are unable to manufacture goods quickly enough to meet demand.
7.Finally, in large Rhus typhina tree breeding, will affect the economic, social or unable to meet demand, control measures can be taken.
8.As a result of such efforts, Tokyo Electric Power has been able to meet demand fairly comfortably.
9.The existing point to point communication methods limited by the spectrum of resources and fading channel has been unable to meet demand.
10.As it built capacity to meet demand, Harley became just another manufacturer, vulnerable to a cyclical economy.